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Ultrasound School

The school of Nephrology Ultrasound – SIUMB – was founded in 2001.

With the patronage of SIUMB and SIN, it has yearly organized basic and advanced courses in diagnostic and procedural ultrasound, approaching hundreds of nephrologists to ultrasound.

Since 2002, the school has activated an institutional training path for universities, with postgraduate courses in Ultrasound for internal medicine physicians, at the University of Pisa, and two second level masters at the Scuola Superiore S. Anna: the first one on “Diagnostic and procedural ultrasound”

(MASTERECO – XI edition) – with 60 CFU (University credits) – and the second one on “Theoretical and practical training and management of vascular access” (VASED – 3rd edition)  –  a two year master with 70 CFU.

Since 2005, at UNIPI, an EDA on comparative ultrasound anatomy of the abdomen is also active, as elective activity associated with the teaching of normal human anatomy in the master’s degree course.

Since 2015, the school has been included in the Bedside ultrasound training project, recognized by the Italian Society of Internal Medicine (SIMI).

Furthermore, a week-school project, started with the SIMI school activation, is currently in its third edition. It can also be attended by students of the second three-year master’s degree course, as an integrative didactic activity (EDA), recognized by the University of Pisa with 2 CFU.

Prof. Mario Meola

La Semiotica, ovvero l’esame dei segni…

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Il metodo per giungere alla diagnosi di una malattia prevede una sequenza di momenti ben codificati.

Dalla semiotica tradizionale al Visual Medicine

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La complessità e la semplicità dell’ecografia

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The online training courses, available in the synchronous or asynchronous modality in the digital platforms, will become in the next future an indispensable tool for the training of young doctors and the professional updating. SonoVisulaMed proposes a blended learning model of about 80 hours on clinical ultrasonography.


Theoretical training. This learning step is based on a cycle of online lessons to propose ultrasonography basics and the various clinical topics.


Practical training. It is based on webinars from the ultrasound laboratory. High-fidelity simulation models will be used for practical training in interventional ultrasound. The clinical cases that will be proposed will involve the pathology of the upper abdomen, kidney and urinary tract, great vessels, female and male genital system, neck, thyroid and endocrine glands, and cardiovascular system. Every ultrasound modality (B-mode, color Doppler, CEUS, and elastosonography) will be considered.


Finally, the educational cycle includes an internship in the presence for the execution of ultrasound examinations with tutors.  At the end of the practice stage, after the final exam,  the SIUMB  diploma on renal ultrasound or SIMI diploma on bedside ultrasound will be awarded,e.


Promote structured and quality multidisciplinary training in ultrasound, a rapidly expanding sector often overlooked by institutional training.

Promote the acquisition of skills necessary for the management of points of care of ultrasound.

Facilitate the training of the new doctors, specialists in emergency medicine, general and first aid)


Speed up diagnostic procedures and reduce institutional clinics’ overload by freeing up resources and personnel to be channeled in reducing waiting lists.

Standardize diagnostic behavior to favor a more targeted use of second-level imaging techniques, so generate savings.