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Privacy Policy –

PRIVACY POLICY (ART. 13 – The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

We inform you that your personal data will be processed in compliance with the aforementioned legislation and the obligations of correctness, lawfulness and transparency.


The data controller of your personal data is Sonovisualmed.it by Mario Meola, with registered office in Via XX Settembre 91, 56017 San Giuliano Terme (PI), VAT 00885170118, contactable at the following email address: info@Sonovisualmed.it


Personal data (name, surname, address, e-mail, phone number, place and date of birth, etc.), provided directly by you;

Financial data (in case of purchases made through the e-commerce portal referred to on the website);

Navigation data, obtained through automatic traceability systems, while using the Website and related services (for further information visit the cookie policy).


Your personal data will be used, depending on the service you are accessing, for the following purposes:

  1. commercial / promotional communications (Marketing);
  2. analysis of your purchasing habits, necessary to provide you with customized offers (Profiling)
  3. management of purchase orders;
  4. allow your registration on the website https://www.sonovisualmed.it and use of related services (Registration on the website)

In cases a) and b) data processing is subject to your consent, freely given, pursuant to GDRP art. 6(a).

In cases c) e d) your data processing is necessary for contractual purposes, as for examle your registration on the website and use of services.


The provision of your personal data for contractual purposes is voluntary and optional. Refusal in providing personal data for the purposes referred to in art. 3.c e 3.d, will not allow to use the services related to the aforementioned purposes.

The provision of your personal data for marketing purposes is voluntary and optional and their use is subject to the expression of consent. Should you decide to exercise your right to withdraw consent, the treatment prior to the opposition will remain legitimate.

It is understood that, if you exercise your right to object to the processing of your personal data, purposes referred to in art. 3.a e 3.b, we will not be able to send you commercial communications and / or profiled commercial communications.




The provided or collected personal data will be processed by the Data Controller’s staff in charge of processing and, in particular: employees and consultants authorized to manage the Website and provide related services (for ex. customer service, management of the Data Controller’s Computer Systems and IT systems, etc.), as subjects in charge of the processing and / or system administrators and / or internal data processors; employees and consultants of the marketing, finance, administration accounting departments, and other departments of the owner, in their capacity as data processors and / or internal data processors. The Data Controller may also request his service providers to perform some data processing operations, on his behalf, according to his instructions and in line with this privacy policy.

The aforementioned suppliers will process personal data as external data processors, on the basis of adequate contractual commitments and / or letters of appointment, including, for example: IT systems and website management service providers (for ex. hosting provider, market and analytics service providers, database management and maintenance services); online payment service providers, having access; credit card information and other financial information of the user; service providers relating to order placing, product delivery and / or other services, available through this Site; service providers and systems carrying out marketing and profiling activities. The provided personal data may be disclosed to third parties for the following purposes: to fulfill law obligations, regulations, protocols and national or European legislation; to implement regulations required by public authorities; to allow the defense in court of the owner, for example in the case of violations by network users.

The aforementioned parties will process the information as independent Data Controllers.

Therefore, the use of data by the aforementioned third parties will not be governed by this Privacy Policy.


Your personal data will be transferred exclusively to entities located within the European Union.


The Data Controller enters, uses, processes, files and stores personal information, collected exclusively for the purposes indicated in this Privacy Policy.

Personal information are stored and deleted in accordance with the Data Controller’s security policy, for the time necessary to achieve the purposes for which the data were collected and then processed, including data retention periods, in accordance with the applicable legislation (for ex. retention of accounting documentation).

The Data Controller will retain user information for contractual purposes, for 10 years from the termination of the contract and for 24 months for marketing purposes.


We inform you that you are the owner of the rights referred to in Art. 15-21 RGPD (right of rectification, right of cancellation, right to restrict processing, right to data portability, right to object) and the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority. You can exercise your rights by sending an e-mail to info@Sonovisualmed.it Each user, registered on the website, can access his personal information, modifying and updating his data and his preferences on how to receive communications from Sonovisualmed.it


Due to legal and / or organizational reasons, this Privacy Policy may be subject to changes. We therefore recommend that you regularly check this Privacy Policy and consult its latest version.



Our website may contain social network plug-ins (es. Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, ecc.). If you access our web page, with such a plug-in, the Internet browser connects directly to the servers of the social network and the plug-in is displayed on the screen, due to the connection with the browser.

If a user of a social network visits our website while connected to his social account, his personal data may be associated with the social account. Even if you use the plug-in functions, the information will be associated with the social account.

Further information on the collection and use of data by social networks, generally, as well as on the available rights and methods to protect the privacy of the interested party in this context, can be found on the account’s social network pages, relating to data protection.

If you do not wish to associate the visit of our web page to your social account, before visiting it, you must necessarily log-off from the social network.



    1 These general conditions are an integral and substantial part as well as discipline of the supply contract (hereinafter referred to as Contract or Order for brevity), by Sonovisualmed.it to the Customer, relating to online training courses, chosen on the Sonovisualmed.it website course catalogue.

1.2. These conditions are valid and effective for all customers, be they – customers – end-users, which means a natural person who buys a single login for private use as direct user (learner) (hereinafter referred to as End-User Customer) – customers-professionals, which means any subject buying multiple simultaneous logins and, in any case, a subject other than the natural person who purchases a single login (hereinafter referred to as Professional Customer, and together with the End-User Customer for the provisions of common application, more generally, the Customer).

1.3. In case of purchase of courses for more users, it constitutes an essential prerequisite, for the activation of the service, sending the data of all subjects, attending the required course, to SONOVISUALMED.IT.

To each participant, at the specified email address, will be sent the link, with the information necessary to register on the e-learning platform and receive credentials (User id and password), necessary to enter the course.


2.1 Fee – The Customer, in order to have access to the purchased course, must pay Sonovisualmed.it the relative fee, for the amount indicated in the course information sheet, displayed on the site SONOVISULMED.IT.  The amount, referred to in this article, as specified in the Price List, is net of VAT and any other legal charges.

2.2 Terms of payment – the amount owed by the Customer to Sonovisualmed.it for the purchase of each course chosen from the catalog, must be paid simultaneously with the Purchase Order, under penalty of cancellation of the same.

2.3 Activation of the course on the platform will be communicated to the learners, automatically and immediately, upon receipt of the payment.

2.4 In addition to the standards here specified, the ORDER will be governed by the General Conditions for invoicing and payments, provided for by the Administrative Regulations; they form an integral and substantial part of these Conditions.

2.5 The purchase of courses/services requires a pre-registration on the site https://www.sonovisualmed.it, with assignment of personal username and password and the subsequent indication of all data for invoicing. In the case of a purchase for third-party learners by a Customer, administrative data and billing is managed directly with the Administrative Direction of Sonovisulmedi.it. Payments can be made to Sonovisulmedi.it through: advance bank transfer, or PayPal direct circuit.

It is specified that the Paypal circuit can be used exclusively for direct purchases by individual learners.

2.6 In case of payment by advance bank transfer, credentials to access courses on the e-learning platform are sent only upon accreditation to Sonovisualmed.it. The payment must be made by bank transfer in favor of


Via XX Settembre 91 56017 San Giuliano Terme (PI)

IBAN IT 49 C 01030 14000 000001803695

Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena

Lungarno Antonio Pacinotti, 9,

indicating the following in the reason for payment: course identification number, as in the catalogue, and attendee name.

2.7 In case of purchase of courses for more learners, by a CUSTOMER, the bank transfer must include in the reason for payment: the order identification (year, course/service name, order number), issued in the order confirmation email, and the CRO (operation reference code) identifying the bank transaction.

Payment must be made within 5 working days from the date of order acceptance: after this deadline or in case of omission of the CRO operation identification number, the order is automatically canceled

2.8 Login credentials for the courses on the e-learnig platfoms will be send automatically by email, to the user who made the single purchase.

In the case of a Customer Order for multiple purchases, together with the order, it is mandatory to transmit the list of the participants, to send them the credentials, according to the times indicated below

  • number of learners between 10 and 100: within 2 working days from the date of order acceptance, upon receipt of the attachment with the names of the learners, who will attend the course;
  • number of learners between 100 and 500: within 7 working days from the date of order acceptance, upon receipt of the attachment with the names of the learners who will attend the course.

The order must be considered unique and inseparable, so that the failure or partial use of one or more accesses will not entitle the Customer to request cancellations, reimbursements, indemnities or compensation of any kind.

2.9 By placing an order in the ways listed above, the Customer declares to have read all the information provided, during the purchase procedure, and fully accept the General and Payment Conditions transcribed below, by selecting the appropriate flag in the dedicated section. The use of courses is allowed within the year following the date of purchase, unless otherwise indicated in the information pages of the Course on the site www.sonovisulmed.it. In case of purchase of more accesses, the Customer undertakes to communicate to each individual Learner all necessary information for on-line course use.


3.1 Hardware and software requirements – The Customer declares to be aware of and accept the

hardware and software pre-requirements for Customer’s computers, enabling to enter the ordered courses (personal computer, browser, connectivity, etc.), and will adapt his hardware and/or software systems, if necessary, as a result of course platform updates. These pre-requirements are indicated, for each course, on the Supplier’s website, under the appropriate menu “Minimum system requirements”.

3.2 Interruption of the Service – Sonovisualmed.it, besides unforeseeable circumstances or force majeure, will have the right to interrupt provision of the course purchased by the customer,

giving immediate notice to the Customer by Web or any other form chosen by Sonovisualmed.it, if there are justified reasons to believe that there could be problems of security and / or protection of the right of confidentiality.

3.3 Sonovisualmed unilaterally defines the appropriate access procedures for the online training courses and reserves the right at its sole discretion to vary, enhance, modify them at any time.

3.4 Sonovisualmed is committed to doing everything in its power to provide the service on an ongoing basis, but it does not offer any guarantee that it will not be subject to suspensions and interruptions and declines any responsibility towards the possible claims of the Customer, relating to the impossibility, for any reason, of using the service itself.

3.5 The course information and material are processed, reviewed and updated with accuracy, completeness and adequacy: no warranty, neither expressed nor implied, is given for any errors, omissions and/or inaccuracies in the information and material or in the results that can be obtained from them.

3.6 Niether Sonovisualmed nor the teachers may be the subject of claims attributable to errors, omissions and / or inaccuracies converning course information and /or material, nor can they be held responsible for any direct and / or indirect damage, particular and/or incidental and/or consequential, due to the use of such information and material.


4.1 Data security – The Customer undertakes to ensure that the Learners have, understand and accept all information on Sonovisualmed website, enabling to purchase and access the Course, also ensuring that no third party rights are violated in any way, directly or indirectly and undertakes not to enter data which has not been authorized, that is, he cannot dispose, as previously regulated.

The Learner, or the Customer on his behalf, will retain ownership of the entered information, expressly assuming any broader civil and criminal liability, with regard to the content of the aforementioned information and indemnifying Sonovisualmed from any obligation and / or burden of verification and / or direct and indirect control in this regard.

4.2 Degree of care – The Customer is aware of the operational regime of security in accessing data and course content. Sonovisualmed ensures the secrecy and confidentiality of the Customer’s and individual Learners’ data. Sonovisualmed ensures that such data will receive the same degree of care and protection that they use for data, information software and documentation relating to their business.

The Learner is however obliged to maintain absolute confidentiality on logins and passwords assigned to participants of the purchased training courses, also taking the necessary precautions with all persons who have access to any training courses purchased by the Customer.

4.3 Classification – Sonovisualmed makes all technical and otherwise information available, about the control systems adopted to protect the confidentiality of information; the data are in any case and always available to the Customer, should he request them.


5.1 Sonovisualmed has exclusive ownership of the website parts, all included and none excluded (such as, for example but not limited to, logos, images, texts, course content) under the copyright law: any commercial use, total or partial reproduction or re-elaboration, transmission in any form and with any modality are prohibited without the prior written authorization of Sonovisualmed.

5.2 Download and the use of material protected by copyright, made available by Sonovisualmed, is allowed for private, lawful purposes only and in compliance with the laws on the protection of personal data and intellectual property: the Customer – Learner, responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the assigned password, and holder, due to registration, of a personal and non-transferable right of access to the reserved area, undertakes to indemnify and hold harmless Sonovisualmed from any and all pretenses and / or claims, resulting from the use and / or abuse of third parties.

5.3 Sonovisualmed reserves the right to suspend access user name and password, assigned to the Customer / Learner, if it deems that a security or unauthorized use problem exists or is highly probable.


6.1 Except in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence of Sonovisualmed, the Customer exempts Sonovisualmed from any liability for direct and indirect damages of any nature, that the Customer or third parties (learners) may, even indirectly, suffer from errors and malfunctions in the use of the Service, as well as for any direct or indirect damage possibly suffered, in relation to or depending on the provision of the same.

6.2 The Customer expressly exempts Sonovisualmed from any liability for direct and indirect damages of any nature,  that the Customer or third parties may, in some way, suffer from the failure to provide connectivity by the telecommunication network operator or even for the Customer’s recourse to the use of connectivity (non-high-speed connectivity), technically incompatible with the Service, as well as for non-use of purchased training course(s) and / or for defects found by the Customer in the use of the same, if all this depends exclusively on the Customer’s failure to meet the minimum system requirements, referred to in point 3.1, whose verification is the sole responsibility of the Learner.

6.3 Sonovisualmed, except in the case of willful misconduct or gross negligence, is expressly excluded from any liability for direct and indirect damages of any nature, caused by third parties who illegally accessed the purchased online training courses, due to a lack of caution on the part of the Customer or his employees, participants in the purchased course, in custody of the login and password, attributed pursuant to the previous point 1.1, or the lack of other security measures that the Customer must adopt.

6.4 In no case Sonovisualmed will be held responsible for the malfunction of the Service, arising from the responsibility of telephone or electrical lines, or the Internet network, such as faults, overloads, interruptions, etc.; the damages will not be attributable to Sonovisualmed and Sonovisualmed cannot be held responsible for non-fulfillment by third parties, affecting the use of the Service, inclusing for example, slowdowns in speed or the failure of telephone lines and computers, running the telematic traffic between the Learner and the platform from which the Course is delivered.

6.5 Upon the occurrence of a force majeure event, that would inhibit the complete use of the service, Sonovisualmed will promptly inform the Customer and the Learners, keeping them informed about the prospects for regular service reactivation and giving visibility to temporary provisions for immediate exercise.

6.6 The Customer undertakes to indemnify and hold Sonovisualmed harmless from any liability of a civil, criminal or administrative nature, loss or damage (including legal and honorary fees), arising from the unlawful use of the Service/course by the Learner or third parties.


7.1 The Customer can withdraw from the contract.

7.2 If, within seven days from the credit transfer, the Customer has not received the access credentials to the platform, he may withdraw from the contract. In that event, Sonovisualmed will reimburse the full amount paid by the Customer for registration.

7.3 Apart from the cases covered by the previous points, the Customer accepts that he has no right of withdrawal from the distance contract, finding also application, for the Customer-End-User, the exception to the right of withdrawal referred to in Art. 59, c.1 lett. o) of Legislative Decree 206 of 6 September 2005 and subsequent amendments and additions (Consumer Code).

7.4 The Customer-End-User, in fact, with the purchase of this e-learning course, agrees to the provision of digital educational content, through a non-material support, with the express agreement and with the acceptance that this circumstance precludes any right of withdrawal.

7.5 The Customer-End-User also agrees to lose his right to withdraw from this service as it is made completely accessible and usable to the user by electronically sending authentication credentials (username and password).

7.6 The notice of withdrawal referred to in points 1 and 2 above, must be received within the terms indicated therein, under penalty of inadmissibility, by email to info@Sonovisualmed.it

7.7 In the hypotheses contemplated in points 1 and 2, the refund request can be accepted only if the formal request will be sent by email to info@Sonovisualmed.it, with a completely fillled-in refund form as attachment.

The refund request form can be downloaded here …

7.8 Apart from the aforementioned hypotheses, no other case of reimbursement is allowed.


8.1. Sonovisualmed.it, informs that, pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196/03 (“Privacy Code”) and art. 13 and 14 of the General European Data Protection Regulation n. 2016/679 (“Regulation”), the personal data provided by the Customer will be treated in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Code and the Regulations, for the purposes strictly related to the execution of the Contract, with the modalities described in the “Privacy” section, accessible on the site (link with privacy).

The Customer who purchased more than one access, declares and guarantees that it has collected and processed the data of each Learner, for purposes referred to in the contract, in compliance with the rules established by the “Privacy Code” and the “Regulation”, and undertakes to indemnify and hold Sonovisualmed.it harmless for any violation of civil, criminal or administrative nature that they may incur, due to Customer behavior


9.1 General provisions – No additions or modifications to this agreement will be effective, unless it is stipulated in writing between the Parties. The obligations and commitments arising from this agreement, that are effective even after the expiry or termination of this agreement, will remain valid and operative even after that date and until their fulfillment. If any provision of this agreement is null, the remaining provisions of the same will in any case remain in force.

The rules contained in this Agreement cancel and replace those of any other contract, signed by the Parties, concerning the Service covered by this agreement.

9.2 Transfer of the Contract – The Customer may not assign to third parties any obligations or rights arising from this Agreement, in the absence of written authorization from Sonovisualmed.it, communicated by registered letter. Sonovisualmed.it expressly reserves the right to transfer any right or obligation, arising from this Agreement, to third parties and the Customer, for this eventuality, accepts right now.

9.3 Referral – Everything is not expressly provided in this Agreement, reference is made to the current legislation on copyrights and industrial patents.

9.4 In case of non-fulfillment of one of the obligations by the Customer, Sonovisualmed.it has the right to terminate the contract unilaterally and with immediate effect, reserving the right to communicate the reason within the following 7 days, in any case without prejudice to any possible recourse action.


Any controversy should arise, in relation to the matter here regulated, the Court of Pisa will be exclusively competent, with the express exclusion of any other court.


Pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 1341 and 1342 of the Civil Code, the clauses are expressly approved referred to in points: 2. Fee for the service; 3. Provision of the Service; 4. Security and confidentiality; 5. Copyright; 6. Responsibility; 7. Right of withdrawal; 8. Information and consent to the processing of personal data; 9. Final clauses and 10. Exclusive jurisdiction


This Application collects some Personal Data of its Users. Personal data are collected for the following purposes, using the following services:

Contact the user

Contact form

Personal data: Postal code; town; Fiscal Code; surmane; birth date; email; address; nation; name; phone number; VAT; district; website

Contact management and send messages, Contact Form; Personal data: email

PayPal payment management Personal data: various types of data as specified in the privacy policy of Google Tag Manager

Personal data: Cookie; Usage data; Interaction with data collection platforms and other third parties


Personal data: Cookie; Usage data; various types of Interaction Data with social networks and external platforms – Google Analitics, PayPal button and widget, Like button and Facebook widget Personal data: Cookie; Usage data SPAM protection Google reCAPTCHA

Personal data: Cookie; Usage data

Registration and authentication Log In with PayPal

Personal data: various types of data as specified by the privacy policy of the Statistics service


Facebook Analytics for Apps

Personal data: Usage data; various types of data as specified by the privacy policy of Google services Analytics Personal data: Cookie; Usage data

Viewing content from external platforms, Google Fonts

Personal data: Usage data; various types of data as specified by the privacy policy of Google Site Search

Personal data: Cookie; Usage data

Contact info: Data Controller Mario Meola F.C. MLEMRA56E03E161Z e VAT 00885170118

Responsible for Data Protection (DPO) Mario Meola – F.C. MLEMRA56E03E161Z and VAT 00885170118


address of the holder: info@sonovisualmed.it